THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 22

                 Interference No. 103,878                                                                                                               

                                   Based on the underlying facts as recited above, it                                                                   
                 is our legal conclusion that neither Henson nor Wilkerson has                                                                          
                 been established as a co-inventor with Thompson by a                                                                                   
                 preponderance   of the evidence.  Accordingly, judgment will                                                                           
                 be entered against the junior party on the ground of lack of                                                                           
                 originality at the conclusion of this decision.                                                                                        
                               Junior party Thompson et al.’s Motion for Judgment                                                                       
                                   During a preliminary motion period established by                                                                    
                 the APJ, junior party Thompson et al. filed a motion  under 37                               8                                         

                 § 1.633(a) for judgment that claims 1-7 (all claims) of the                                                                            
                 senior party’s involved patent were unpatentable.  In a                                                                                
                 decision mailed January 22, 1998,  the APJ deferred decision9                                                                           
                 of the motion to final hearing.                                                                                                        
                                   The motion alleged that all claims of the senior                                                                     
                 party patent designated as corresponding to the count were                                                                             
                 unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 102 and/or § 103.  The motion                                                                           

                          8Paper No. 9.                                                                                                                 
                          9Paper No. 19.                                                                                                                

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