BRAKE v. SINGH - Page 62

            Interference 102,728                                                                              
                   First, we agree with Brake that Singh has not pointed to any evidence which                
            shows when the “loop deletion” method was actually developed by researchers at                    
            Genentech.  Paper No. 190, p. 59.  The record shows that a description of the method              
            may have been submitted for publication on April 4, 1983, and that a description was              
            published in September, 1983.  Paper No. 190, p. 14; SX 53.  Thus, on the record                  
            before us, we have only attorney argument that the loop deletion mutagenesis                      
            technique was known at Genentech in late 1982.  Paper No. 151, pp. 85-86; Paper No.               
            180, p. 9.  It is well established that attorney argument cannot take the place of                
            objective evidence.  In re Payne, 606 F.2d at 315, 203 USPQ at 256; Meitzner v.                   
            Mindick, 549 F.2d at 782, 193 USPQ at 22; In re Lindner, 457 F.2d at 508, 173 USPQ                
            at 358.  In addition, it is not clear when or how Dr. Singh became aware of this                  
            technique.  We find no mention of the loop deletion mutagenesis technique or reference            
            to date(s) of discussions with the Genentech researchers who developed the technique,             
            such as Mr. Vasser,38 in the sections of Dr. Singh’s declaration relied upon by Singh.            

                   38  Mr. Vasser is listed as a co-author on the Genentech publication which                 
            describes the loop deletion mutagenesis technique.  SX 53, Bates No. 703.  However,               
            Singh only relies on Mr. Vasser’s testimony to corroborate the ordering of the 24-mer on          
            December 1, 1982.  Paper No. 180, p. 14.  Mr. Vasser states (SR 1059, para. 4):                   
                         4.     At the request of counsel, Mr. Ng and I searched for and have                 
                   retrieved from our files the Synthetic DNA Request forms for all eight of the DNA          
                   synthesis requests which are discussed in Mr. Ng’s declaration. The eight DNA              
                   sequences discussed in Mr. Ng’s declaration are requested on six Synthetic DNA             
                   Request forms.  I have reviewed the six Synthetic DNA Request forms and                    
                   recognize my signature and Mr. Ng’s signature on these forms.  Five of the                 
                   copies are the “pink” copies.  These have been in our possession since the                 
                   original requests were given to us and are in the original condition with no               
                   alterations.  We also located and retrieved the sixth form, numbered 02478,                

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