BRAKE v. SINGH - Page 63

            Interference 102,728                                                                              
                   Second, Brake points out the loop deletion method described in the September,              
            1983, Genentech paper (SX 53) mandates the use of two (2) unique oligonucleotide                  
            primers.39  Paper No. 190, p. 52.  An additional primer (the “LAC” primer), which is              
            complementary to a region upstream from the site of mutagenesis, is also required.  Id.,          
            SX 53, Bates No. 708, col. 2, last paragraph and Figure 3.  Although it is an essential           
            reagent for the “loop deletion” procedure, Singh does not point to any evidence which             
            indicates that Dr. Singh ordered or possessed the LAC primer on December 1, 1982, or              
            understood the need to order or possess said primer prior to January 12, 1983.                    

                   which is a photocopy of the original “pink” file copy.  Written on it, in the top right    
                   hand corner, is a note in Mr. Ng’s handwriting, which I recognize, which states as         
                   follows: “legal got original, Peter 2/27/92.”  That particular form has been               
                   maintained in our possession as a part of these files since that date.  The                
                   original pink copy was maintained in our possession from the date of the request           
                   until 2/27/92.  Copies of the original “pink” copies and one photocopy are shown           
                   and Singh Exhibit 54, Bates No. 000714-000719.                                             
                   Thus, we find that Mr. Vasser does not mention the loop deletion mutagenesis               
            technique, let alone testify as to his awareness that Dr. Singh intended to employ the            
            24-mer to make a compound within the scope of the count using said technique.                     
                   39 Brake directs attention to the teachings of the Genentech article which                 
            describes the differences between the new loop deletion procedure and prior                       
            mutagenesis techniques.  Paper No. 190, pp. 58-59.  The teachings are, in relevant                
                         Similar in vitro mutagenesis protocols involving a single primer ...  have           
                         been used by others.  In such a single primer approach, heteroduplex                 
                         structures are stabilized by eventually joining the 3' end of the in vitro-          
                         synthesized DNA to its own 5' end after synthesis of one full-length                 
                         complement of the template DNA.  To obtain heteroduplex stability after              
                         short times of DNA synthesis, we used an additional primer (“LAC”)                   
                         complementary to a region upstream from the site of mutagenesis [SX 53,              
                         Bates No. 708].                                                                      

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