Ex Parte ECKER - Page 1

            The opinion in support of the decision being entered today was not written
                   for publication and is not binding precedent of the Board.         
                                                                 Paper No. 18         
                       UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                      
                          BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                          
                                   AND INTERFERENCES                                  
                                Ex parte WOLFGANG ECKER                               
                                 Appeal No. 2000-1361                                 
                              Application No. 08/933,8801                             
                                 HEARD: March 20, 2002                                
          Before BARRETT, DIXON, and SAADAT, Administrative Patent Judges.            
          SAADAT, Administrative Patent Judge.                                        

                                  DECISION ON APPEAL                                  
               This is a decision on appeal from the Examiner’s final                 
          rejection of claims 1 through 8, which are all of the pending               
          claims in this application.                                                 
               We affirm-in-part.                                                     

               1 Application for patent filed September 19, 1997, which               
          claims the foreign filing priority benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 119            
          of German Application 19639935.1, filed September 27, 1996.                 

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