Ex Parte ECKER - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2000-1361                                       Page 2           
          Application No. 08/933,880                                                  

               Appellant’s invention is directed to a synchronous circuit             
          with increased processing speed, which includes a combinatorial             
          block located between two registers.  An analysis unit receives             
          and analyzes the value of the output of the input register to               
          determine when to send an enable signal to the output register              
          (specification, page 2).  The analysis unit sends the enable                
          signal to the output register at the time the analysis unit                 
          determines that an output value of the combinatorial blocks is              
          present, allowing the outcome to be taken earlier (specification,           
          page 4).  Thus, based on the value combinations present at the              
          output of the input register, the outcome is clocked into the               
          output register sooner and the transit time required for                    
          processing an operation through the combinatorial block is                  
          decreased (abstract and specification, page 4).                             
               Representative independent claim 1 is reproduced as follows:           
                    1. A circuit arrangement with at least one                        
               combinatorial block arranged between registers, comprising:            
                    an input register of said registers having an output              
               connected to an input of the combinatorial block, and an               
               output register of said registers having an input connected            
               to an output of the combinatorial block; and                           
                    an analysis unit, the output of the input register also           
               connected to the analysis unit that analyzes a value of the            
               output of the input register and that sends an enable signal           

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