Ex Parte ECKER - Page 10

          Appeal No. 2000-1361                                      Page 10           
          Application No. 08/933,880                                                  

          according to the value of the output of the input registers that            
          an output value of the combinatorial block is present.                      
               Assuming arguendo, that one of the lines from registers 640            
          and 650 to blocks 580, 590, 620, and 621 is included in the                 
          “combinatorial block” for presenting a trivial output to the                
          output register, Richardson would still not teach the claimed               
          conditions for the enable signal.  For simplicity, we can read              
          the “combinatorial block” on multiplier 500 as well as the line             
          from input register 650 to register 580.  We note that the                  
          specification does not disclose the internal construction of the            
          combinatorial block and does not exclude lines in the                       
          combinatorial block which directly present the input value to the           
          output as in Richardson.  When the “analysis unit” (comparator              
          block 520) determines that x equals 1, indicative of a trivial              
          operand, the “analysis unit” outputs a signal to the “output                
          register” (register 580) which immediately outputs the result               
          that has been previously provided by the line in the                        
          combinatorial block and stored in register 580.  Therefore, the             
          result is sent to the output register if an output value of the             
          combinatorial block is present according to the value of the                
          output of the input register.  An output value of the                       
          combinatorial block is present on the line leading to block 580             

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