Ex Parte ECKER - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2000-1361                                       Page 4           
          Application No. 08/933,880                                                  

          argued.  Accordingly, the § 112 rejection of claims 3 and 6                 
          through 8 is sustained pro forma.  Appellant indicates (both in             
          the brief and during the oral hearing) that upon reversal of the            
          rejections under §§ 102 and 103, Appellant will submit                      
          appropriate amendments to overcome the § 112 rejection.                     
               At the outset, we note that Appellant does not separately              
          argue the patentability of the independent claims and indicates             
          that claims 1 through 8 stand or fall together (brief, page 4).             
          Therefore, we will consider the claims as one group and will                
          treat claim 1 as the representative claim of the group.                     
               Appellant argues that Richardson cannot anticipate the                 
          claimed invention since instead of an enable signal, output                 
          values are sent from comparator blocks 510-560 to output                    
          registers 570-630 (brief, page 6).  Appellant further compares              
          Richardson with the claimed analysis unit, which does not supply            
          the output values and merely provides an enable signal for the              
          output register as soon as the combinatorial block has finished             
          the processing of the input values (brief, pages 6 & 7).                    
               In response to Appellant’s arguments, the Examiner indicates           
          that an enable signal is sent by each of comparator blocks 510-             
          560 to the corresponding one of output registers 570-630 which              
          causes the register to output its stored value.  The Examiner               

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