Ex Parte ECKER - Page 9

          Appeal No. 2000-1361                                       Page 9           
          Application No. 08/933,880                                                  

          registers 640 and 650, we find that these comparators indeed stop           
          multiplier 500 from generating any output value concurrent with             
          the enable signal sent to the output registers.  In other words,            
          multiplier 500 is bypassed by sending a halt signal to the                  
          multiplier in the event that a trivial operand is received from             
          input registers 640 and 650 at comparators 510-560.  At the same            
          time, an enable signal is sent to the corresponding one of output           
          registers 570-630 causing them to sent their previously stored              
          values to register 670.                                                     
               Based on the analysis above, we find that Richardson’s                 
          enable signal is provided to the output registers if either                 
          operand is trivial.  Richardson has nothing to do with the time             
          at which an output value of the multiplier is present or                    
          determining that time according to the value of the output of the           
          input registers.  The output registers of Richardson provide to             
          register 670 the results that have been previously stored if the            
          comparators determine a trivial operand and send an enable signal           
          to the output registers.  At the same time, a halt signal                   
          prevents the operation of the multiplier.  This condition is                
          different from the requirements of claim 1, in which the enable             
          signal is sent to the output register as soon as it is determined           

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