Ex Parte PETTERSSON et al - Page 2

            Appeal No. 2000-2109                                                                         
            Application No. 09/159,609                                                                   

            Appellants' specification page 6, lines 4-16 and Figure 2.                                   
            Further, the )E-E detector telescope is fabricated by wafer                                  
            bonding a )E detector portion (14) in the form of a first                                    
            semiconductor wafer to an E detector portion (18) in the form of                             
            a second semiconductor wafer by silicidizing a thin metal layer                              
            (16).  See Appellants' specification page 7, lines 21-28 and page                            
            10, lines 19-25.  The thin metal layer acts as a common contact                              
            between the two detectors and represents a dead-layer which                                  
            minimizes cross-talk between the )E and E detector portions.                                 
            See Appellants' specification page 5, lines 28-32.                                           
                  Independent claim 1 present in the application is reproduced                           
            as follows:                                                                                  
            1.    A device forming a low threshold energy, low cross talk and                            
            high energy resolution integrated semiconductor detector                                     
            telescope having a very thin well-supported )E detector portion                              
            and a low resistivity metal interlayer, wherein a )E-E detector                              
            telescope is fabricated by wafer bonding a )E detector portion                               
            in the form of a first semiconductor wafer to an E detector                                  
            portion in the form of a second semiconductor wafer by                                       
            silicidizing a thin metal layer, said thin metal layer acting as                             
            a common contact between the two detectors, whereby said metallic                            
            layer explicit is thin and represents a small dead-layer and a                               
            low resistivity, thereby minimizing cross-talk between the )E                                
            and E detector portions.                                                                     
                  The references relied on by the Examiner are as follows:                               
            Meuleman                             3,511,722                May  12, 1970                  
            Husimi et al. (Husimi)               4,340,899                Jul. 20, 1982                  

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