Ex Parte PETTERSSON et al - Page 10

            Appeal No. 2000-2109                                                                         
            Application No. 09/159,609                                                                   

            claim 1.  Therefore, we will not sustain the Examiner's rejection                            
            of claims 2, 4 through 6 and 9 as being unpatentable under                                   
            35 U.S.C. § 103 over Husimi, Temple, Buti and Kim.                                           
                  Next, we will address the rejection of claims 1, 2, 4                                  
            through 6, 8 and 9 as being unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 103                               
            over Meuleman, Temple and Buti.  We note that claim 1 is the                                 
            independent claim with claims 2, 4 through 6, 8 and 9, dependent                             
            on claim 1.                                                                                  
                  Appellants argue that Meuleman neither describes nor                                   
            suggests a )E detector portion in the form of first                                          
            semiconductor wafer and an E detector portion in the form of a                               
            second semiconductor wafer.  See page 11, lines 12-16 of the                                 
            Brief.  Rather, "Meuleman describes a detector in the form of a                              
            single wafer monolithic assembly."  See page 11, lines 16 and 17                             
            of the Brief.  Appellants further argue that "the Meuleman device                            
            is structured to overcome the need to bond the E and )E detector                             
            portions together.  Like Husimi, Meuleman provides a single                                  
            semiconductor wafer [and] Meuleman does not describe or suggest                              
            in any manner the bonding together of two wafers."  See page 11,                             
            lines 22-26 of the Brief.                                                                    
                  In rejecting claim 1, the Examiner states that "Meuleman                               
            show[s] an E-dE detector using an epi layer junction on top of a                             

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