Ex Parte PETTERSSON et al - Page 11

            Appeal No. 2000-2109                                                                         
            Application No. 09/159,609                                                                   

            junction and the above arguments can be repeated with Meuleman                               
            replacing Husimi et al."  See page 4, lines 16-18 of the Answer.                             
            In responding to Appellants' arguments, the Examiner then states                             
            that "Applicant states that Meuleman does not show a two wafer                               
            structure, which is true, but note that Meuleman is combined with                            
            other references to show that the claimed device is obvious."                                
            See page 6, lines 13-15 of the Answer.                                                       
                  Upon careful review of Meuleman, we find that Meuleman                                 
            discloses an E-dE detector wherein the "starting element is                                  
            chosen [with] a wafer of 500 microns thickness . . .".  See                                  
            column 3, lines 74-75 of Meuleman.  Further, a "monolithic                                   
            assembly has been obtained by first providing the junction J1' in                            
            a semiconductor wafer by known diffusion methods."  See column 3,                            
            lines 56-59 of Meuleman.  Lastly, we find that "[t]he diffused                               
            zone B thus provided is strongly doped . . .".  See column 4,                                
            lines 21-22 of Meuleman.  However, as with Husimi, we find                                   
            nothing in the Meuleman reference that teaches two semiconductor                             
            wafers and hence we find no teaching of bonding two wafers by                                
            silicidizing a thin metal layer therebetween.  Therefore, we will                            
            not sustain the Examiner's rejection of claim 1 as being                                     
            unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 103 over Meuleman, Temple and                                 
            Buti.  Claims 2, 4 through 6, 8 and 9 are dependent on claim 1,                              

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