Ex Parte CHOI - Page 12

            Appeal No. 2002-2015                                                  Page 12              
            Application No. 09/232,138                                                                 

                  ordinary skill in the art would have been motivated to                               
                  place the head and spindle control circuitry within                                  
                  each of the HDA's as doing this would permit the                                     
                  control circuitry to be hermetically isolated from                                   
                  outside environmental hazards such as dust while also                                
                  permitting easy replacement of disk drives that have                                 
                  damaged control circuitry instead of replacing the                                   
                  entire main printed circuit board.                                                   
            The examiner (answer, pages 5 and 6) adds that:                                            
                  [T]he fact remains that both Hatchett et al and Bajorek                              
                  et al use a single main PCB shared with multiple                                     
                  head/disk assemblies wherein each head/disk assembly                                 
                  has its own respective sub PCB.  Thus, one of ordinary                               
                  skill in the art would have found it obvious to provide                              
                  each of the HDA's of Hatchett et al with the head and                                
                  spindle control circuitry taught by Bajorek et al.                                   
                  Therefore, the combination of Hatchett et al with                                    
                  Bajorek et al is still seen as proper.                                               
            Appellant asserts (brief, page 19) that “the office action                                 
            contains no findings as to what is the ordinary level of skill in                          
            the art, and the record lacks substantial evidence that could                              
            support such findings if they had been made.”  Appellant argues                            
            (brief, page 20) that the conclusionary statement by the examiner                          
            “does not tell the reviewing body whether the ordinary level of                            
            skill of the alleged routineer in the art is that of a B.S.E.E.                            
            or of a Ph.D. in Chemistry.”                                                               
                  We are not persuaded by appellant's position that the level                          
            of ordinary skill in the art has not been established.  From our                           
            review of Hatchett and Bajorek, we find that the references are                            

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