Ex Parte CHOI - Page 6

            Appeal No. 2002-2015                                                   Page 6              
            Application No. 09/232,138                                                                 

            whether a reference anticipates a claim must focus on what                                 
            subject matter is encompassed by the claim and what subject                                
            matter is described by the reference.                                                      
                  The examiner (answer, page 3) takes the position that the                            
            controller of claim 6 is met by the sub PCB 137 which performs                             
            read/write operation (data channel operation) between the heads                            
            and disks, and refers our attention to col. 5, lines 18-31 and                             
            col. 6, line 55 et seq. of Hatchett.                                                       
                  Appellant asserts (brief, page 18) that claim 6 recites that                         
            each of the HDAs contain at least one controller adapted for                               
            performing, responsively to the main PCB, a driving operation or                           
            a read/write operation of the disks and heads included in the                              
            HDA.  Appellant argues (brief, page 14) that each HDA in the                               
            Hatchett patent includes only heads 127 and disks 135, without a                           
            control module integrated into each HDA."                                                  
                  As stated by our reviewing court in In re Hiniker Co., 150                           
            F.3d 1362, 1369, 47 USPQ2d 1523, 1529 (Fed. Cir. 1998) “[t]he                              
            name of the game is the claim.”                                                            
                  Claim 6 recites “ a main control board; and a plurality of                           
            head disk asssemblies, each electrically connected by connectors                           
            to said main control board and each containing at least one                                

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