Ex Parte CHOI - Page 4

            Appeal No. 2002-2015                                                   Page 4              
            Application No. 09/232,138                                                                 

            independent claims and the independent claims are all argued                               
            together on the basis of that illustrative claim.”  Consistent                             
            with this statement, appellant's arguments are directed to                                 
            independent claim 6.  Accordingly, we consider claim 6 to be                               
            representative of the group.  However, to the extent that                                  
            appellant (brief, pages 24 and 25) additionally argues the term                            
            “plurality” in independent claim 18, claim 18 will be separately                           
                  With respect to claims 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, and 20, rejected                            
            under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a), appellant states (brief, page 9) that                            
            "the claims are all argued together."  Accordingly, we select                              
            claim 4 as representative of the group of claims rejected under                            
            35 U.S.C. § 103(a).                                                                        
                  As a preliminary matter, appellant asserts (brief, page 7)                           
            that the examiner's refusal to enter the amendment submitted                               
            subsequent to the final rejection was an “abuse of discretion.”                            
            Appellant provides two appendices to the brief.  The first,                                
            Appendix I, shows the claims with the proposed amendment entered.                          
            Appendix II shows the claims of record, as they stand without                              
            entry of the proposed amendment.  Appellant asks (brief, page 12)                          
            that we “rule that the amendment should have been entered and                              

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