Ex Parte CHOI - Page 8

            Appeal No. 2002-2015                                                   Page 8              
            Application No. 09/232,138                                                                 

            drive, performs control functions.  Although not brought to our                            
            attention by the examiner, we find from our review of Hatchett                             
            (col. 7, lines 50-56) that this issue is addressed by Hatchett,                            
            who states that:                                                                           
                  All data processing circuitry and logic including                                    
                  coding for write and detection and decoding operations,                              
                  error detection and error correction is implemented on                               
                  a separate data channel board 137 (as shown in FIG. 6)                               
                  for each drive A, B coupled to its microprocessor via                                
                  lines 139A and 139B, respectively.                                                   
            Hatchett continues (col. 7, lines 56-62) by stating                                        
                  The interface microprocessor controls the transfer of                                
                  data between its respective drive A, B and the lost                                  
                  [sic, host] computer system, read/write access of the                                
                  disk media and disk defect management and error                                      
                  recovery.  Additionally, the interface microprocessor                                
                  performs diagnostics and provides monitoring of the                                  
                  spindle status.                                                                      
            From the disclosure of Hatchett, we find that even though all                              
            data processing circuitry and logic including coding for write                             
            and detection decoding operations, error detection and error                               
            correction are implemented on data channel board 137, that it is                           
            the interface microprocessor (on control board 17) that controls                           
            the transfer of data, read/write access of the disk media and                              
            disk defect management and error recovery, as well as diagnostics                          
            and monitoring of the spindle status.  Thus, we find that                                  
            Hatchett does not disclose control operations being performed by                           

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