Ex Parte CHOI - Page 2

            Appeal No. 2002-2015                                                   Page 2              
            Application No. 09/232,138                                                                 

                  Appellant's invention relates to a hard disk drive having a                          
            plurality of head disk assemblies.  An understanding of the                                
            invention can be derived from a reading of exemplary claim 6,                              
            which is reproduced as follows:                                                            
                  6.  A hard disk drive, comprising:                                                   
                        a main control board; and                                                      
                        a plurality of head disk assemblies, each                                      
                  electrically connected by connectors to said main                                    
                  control board and each containing at least one                                       
                  The prior art references of record relied upon by the                                
            examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                                             
            Bajorek et al. (Bajorek)                  5,264,975         Nov. 23, 1993                  
            Hatchett et al. (Hatchett)                5,422,767         Jun. 06, 1995                  
                  Claims 1-3, 6-11, 15, 16, 18, and 19 stand rejected under                            
            35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by Hatchett.                                       
                  Claims 4, 5, 12, 13, 17 and 20 stand rejected under 35                               
            U.S.C. § 103(a) as  unpatentable over Hatchett in view of                                  
                  Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced by                         
            the examiner and appellant regarding the above-noted rejections,                           
            we make reference to the examiner's answer (Paper No. 20, mailed                           

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