Ex Parte CHOI - Page 7

            Appeal No. 2002-2015                                                   Page 7              
            Application No. 09/232,138                                                                 

            controller."  Thus, although claim 6 requires that each HDA                                
            contains at least one controller, we find no recitation that each                          
            controller is responsive to the main PCB, or that the controllers                          
            are adapted for performing a driving operation or a read/write                             
            operation.  We have revived the portions of Hatchett relied upon                           
            by the examiner as a teaching of each HDA containing a                                     
                  Hatchett discloses that controller board 17 provides the                             
            required electronic circuitry to facilitate operation and control                          
            of the HDAs 11 and 13 (col. 5, lines 18-22).  Hatchett further                             
            discloses (col. 6, line 58 through col. 7, line 6) that                                    
                  For the purposes of the description of the controller                                
                  board 17, the two HDAs 11 and 13 will be referred to as                              
                  drive A and drive B, respectively.  Each drive A, B is                               
                  electronically controlled by an interface micropro-                                  
                  cessor, a servo control microprocessor, several logic                                
                  modules, digital/analog converters and various drivers                               
                  and receivers and associated circuitry. With the                                     
                  exception of the data channel circuitry which is                                     
                  mounted on a separate channel board 137 (as shown in                                 
                  FIG. 6) for each drive A, B, all of the control                                      
                  circuitry and components are mounted on the controller                               
                  board 17.  While some of the components physically may                               
                  be shared by the two drives A, B for efficiency and                                  
                  parts reduction, logically, the controller board 17 is                               
                  divided into halves, one-half A, 149, providing control                              
                  for drive A and the other half B, 151, provide control                               
                  for drive B.                                                                         
            Thus, with regard to independent claim 6, the issue is whether                             
            the data channel circuitry on data channel board 137 for each                              

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