Ex Parte CHOI - Page 3

            Appeal No. 2002-2015                                                   Page 3              
            Application No. 09/232,138                                                                 

            March 26, 2002) for the examiner's complete reasoning in support                           
            of the rejections, and to appellant's brief (Paper No. 19, filed                           
            January 7, 2002) and reply brief (Paper No. 21, filed May 3,                               
            2002) for appellant's arguments thereagainst.  Only those                                  
            arguments actually made by appellant have been considered in this                          
            decision.  Arguments which appellant could have made but chose                             
            not to make in the brief have not been considered.  See 37 CFR                             
                  In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have carefully                           
            considered the subject matter on appeal, the rejections advanced                           
            by the examiner, and the evidence of anticipation and obviousness                          
            relied upon by the examiner as support for the rejections.  We                             
            have, likewise, reviewed and taken into consideration, in                                  
            reaching our decision, appellant's arguments set forth in the                              
            briefs along with the examiner's rationale in support of the                               
            rejections and arguments in rebuttal set forth in the examiner's                           
            answer.  Upon consideration of the record before us, we affirm-                            
                  We observe at the outset that appellant states (brief,                               
            page 9) that “claim 6 is considered representative of all the                              

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