Ex Parte CHOI - Page 14

            Appeal No. 2002-2015                                                  Page 14              
            Application No. 09/232,138                                                                 

                  From our review of Hatchett and Bajorek, we agree with                               
            appellant (brief, page 22) that no motivation has been provided                            
            that would have suggested combining Hatchett and Bajorek in the                            
            manner necessary to meet appellant's claims.  The rationale                                
            presented by the examiner (supra) merely sets forth the results                            
            that would be obtained from combining the references, and does                             
            not provide a rationale as to why an artisan would have been                               
            motivated to combine the teachings of Hatchett and Bajorek.                                
            Claim 4 recites, inter alia, that each head disk assembly                                  
            comprises “a position controller for controlling movement of the                           
            head into a predetermined portion of the disk; and a spindle                               
            motor controller for controlling a spindle motor to a constant                             
            rotation speed.”  Hatchett discloses (col. 7, lines 13 and 14)                             
            that “[t]he servo microprocessor controls the spindle motor                                
            speed.”  It is further disclosed (col. 7, lines 26-29) that                                
            “[a]ll actuator control signals providing closed loop control of                           
            transducer head positioning and tracking on the disk surface are                           
            generated by the microprocessor.”  From the disclosure of                                  
            Hatchett, we find that both head position and spindle motor speed                          

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