Barton et al or Fischhoff et al v. Adang et al. - Page 93

          Interference 103,781                                                        
               contain the expected Bt DNA but no immunoreactive peptides.            
               Preliminary analysis of RNA indicates processing at internal           
               sites in the toxin gene.  It appears that for efficient                
               expression of this toxin in tobacco plants the coding                  
               sequence must be modified to eliminate premature termination           
               of transcription.  Work is in progress to evaluate                     
                                                  CONFIDENTIAL MC088385               
                                    EXHIBIT 36                                        
               As the final page of Adang Exhibit No. 106E (AX-106E), the             
          documentary exhibit provides what appears to be the following               
          computer printout, the last seven (7) lines thereof:                        
               -rw-r--r– 1 188          1177 Sep 10 1986                
               -rw-r--r– 1 188          602 May 13 1985 talk                          
               -rw-r--r– 1 188          776 Jan 29 1986 tom                           
               -rw-r--r– 1 188          1475 Nov  6 1985 ucla2                        
               -rw-r--r– 1 188          925 Aug  3 1986 vaughn.8.86                   
               -rw-r--r– 1 188          979 Dec 10 1985 west.blot                     
               agrimad> gaertner /mnt/archives/ul.87/adang/papers ->                  
                                                  CONFIDENTIAL MC088386               
                                   Exhibit 36                                         
               While we tend to agree with Adang’s argument that “[t]his              
          draft abstract (AX-106E) reflects Dr. Adang’s and Dr. Murray’s              


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