Ex Parte Travelute et al - Page 14

                Appeal 2006-2352                                                                                 
                Application 10/065,436                                                                           

                       However, the Examiner acknowledges that Hirakawa “does not                                
                explicitly teach … a minimum length sufficient to support a meniscus of                          
                water in the coaxial opening and a maximum length at which the liquid will                       
                entirely fill with a liquid as required by claim 72….”  (Answer 6).                              
                Furthermore, we note that the Examiner has not identified, nor can we find,                      
                where in Hirakawa an empty core fiber is described as including a filament                       
                with a coaxial opening entirely therethrough as recited as a limitation of                       
                independent claim 72.  Nor has the Examiner pointed out how Hirakawa                             
                fairly implies a description or suggestion of a hollow PET filament with                         
                sufficient openings to substantially fill with liquid as required by claim 2.                    
                       We recognize that the Examiner has pointed out certain                                    
                commonalities in size that exist between the generic description of polyester                    
                fibers used in Hirakawa and the size of the fibers specified in Appellants’                      
                Specification and several dependent claims (Answer 6 and 13).  However,                          
                the Examiner has not fairly articulated, on this record, how those general                       
                commonalities standing alone are sufficient to warrant the factual inference                     
                the Examiner desires.  In particular, the Examiner has not laid sufficient                       
                factual groundwork to show how the briefly described empty core fiber                            
                embodiment of Hirakawa would necessarily be understood by one of                                 
                ordinary skill in the art as describing a hollow PET filament formed with                        
                sufficient openings therein to substantially fill with a liquid (claim 2), or that               
                the empty core fibers of Hirakawa would necessarily have an axial opening                        
                extending entirely therethrough (claim 72).  Nor has the Examiner furnished                      
                a reasonable basis, on this record, as to why one of ordinary skill in the art                   
                would have been led to provide the empty core fibers of Hirakawa with                            
                sufficient openings to substantially fill with a liquid (claim 2).  Moreover,                    


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