Ex Parte Travelute et al - Page 18

                Appeal 2006-2352                                                                                 
                Application 10/065,436                                                                           

                       However, in the present case, the Examiner has not established with                       
                sufficient specificity how the applied prior art substantially corresponds to                    
                each claim feature to support the inference that the prior art would also be                     
                attended by all of the claimed functional absorption features.  In particular,                   
                Appellants have correctly noted that Tamiya’s fiber product includes a                           
                sheath part, which is melt extruded about the hollow core part.  The                             
                Examiner has not fairly explained how the Tamiya composite fiber                                 
                reasonably corresponds to the filament constructions of Appellants so as to                      
                fairly expect that the sheath covered hollow core filaments of Tamiya would                      
                necessarily possess sufficient openings to substantially fill with an aqueous                    
                liquid, or to reasonably expect that the sheath covered hollow core filaments                    
                of Tamiya would have absorbency characteristics in volume percent                                
                comparable to those claimed by Appellants for their filaments.  After all,                       
                Appellants’ Specification describes the subject filaments as being made                          
                absorbent by opening the filaments to allow communication of the interior                        
                thereof with a location outside of the filament as opposed to surrounding an                     
                interior hollow-containing core part of a fiber with a thermally bonded                          
                sheath part without any directions for the subsequent opening thereof, as                        
                Tamiya seems to instruct (See Specification, ¶¶ 0031, 0032; and Tamiya, ex.                      
                1 and fig. 1).  Consequently, the Examiner has not established, prima facie,                     
                how the applied Tamiya, alone or in combination with Jennergren, teaches                         
                or suggests a filament or fiber that is made in substantially the same way and                   
                using substantially the same materials as Appellants disclose in making their                    
                claimed filaments, such that an inference can be reasonably made that                            
                Tamiya’s fibers would be expected to possess absorbency properties as                            


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