Ex Parte Travelute et al - Page 16

                Appeal 2006-2352                                                                                 
                Application 10/065,436                                                                           

                commonly rejected claims either alone or in any suggested combination                            
                                      ISSUE AND SUMMARY RESOLUTION                                               
                       Have Appellants identified reversible error in the Examiner’s § 103(a)                    
                rejection in their Brief?  More specifically, has the Examiner erred in failing                  
                to establish how the collective teachings of the applied prior art references                    
                would have suggested all the limitations of each rejected claim to one of                        
                ordinary skill in the art, including  the production of a filament or fiber                      
                possessing a functional absorptive capacity as claimed?                                          
                       We answer these questions in the affirmative.  Consequently, we                           
                reverse the Examiner’s obviousness rejection of claims 16-38.                                    

                                      FINDINGS OF FACT/ANALYSIS                                                  
                       Tamiya (JP H3-287848) discloses composite sheath-core fibers that                         
                are used in making bulky non-woven fabrics.  Tamiya’s fiber core is formed                       
                with hollow parts and the core is made from a relatively high melting point                      
                polymer, such as PET.  As for forming the fiber sheath, Tamiya teaches                           
                employing a relatively low melting point polymer, such as polyethylene.                          
                Tamiya presents a melt extrusion method for manufacturing the sheath-core                        
                fiber.  See, e.g., Tamiya at 322.                                                                
                       The Examiner relies on Jennegren for disclosing fabrics that employ                       
                hollow staple fibers in one embodiment and continuous spunbonded                                 
                filaments in another embodiment (Answer 10-11).                                                  
                       The Examiner has found that Tamiya discloses that the composite                           
                fibers thereof can be used in the formation of liquid absorbing products, such                   
                as diapers (Answer 7 and Tamiya 321).  In particular, the Examiner has                           


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