Ex Parte Travelute et al - Page 20

                Appeal 2006-2352                                                                                 
                Application 10/065,436                                                                           

                with other known prior art would have rendered any of claims 6-10, 16-38,                        
                and 72-80 unpatentable.                                                                          
                       For example only, dependent claim 8 depends from affirmed rejected                        
                claim 4 and adds the requirement of forming a nonwoven fabric from a                             
                plurality of staple fibers according to claim 4.  As we noted above, Shiozaki                    
                discloses absorbent hollow filaments or staple fibers that are useful in                         
                preparing nonwoven fabrics (col. 6, ll. 52-60).  Thus, the Examiner should                       
                determine whether Shiozaki alone or in combination with other known prior                        
                art would have rendered the formation of a nonwoven fabric as recited in                         
                claim 8 prima facie unpatentable.  If so, the Examiner should enter an                           
                appropriate rejection.  Similarly, the Examiner should determine whether                         
                Shiozaki alone or in combination with other prior art would have rendered                        
                the subject matter of any of the other claims (claims 6, 7, 16-38, and 72-80)                    


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