Ex Parte Travelute et al - Page 15

                Appeal 2006-2352                                                                                 
                Application 10/065,436                                                                           

                the Examiner has not provided persuasive rationale, on this record, as to why                    
                one of ordinary skill in the art would have been led to manufacture the                          
                empty core fibers of Hirakawa with an axial opening extending entirely                           
                therethrough (claim 72).                                                                         
                       Thus, on this record, an adequate factual basis for shifting the burden                   
                to Appellants on the patentability issues raised here has not been supplied,                     
                prima facie, by the Examiner.                                                                    

                                          CONCLUSIONS OF LAW                                                     
                       We conclude that the Examiner erred by failing to show that                               
                Hirakawa describes or suggests all the limitations of either claim 2 or claim                    
                72 on this record.  Thus, we determine that Appellants have identified                           
                reversible error in the Examiner’s anticipation and obviousness rejections in                    
                their Brief.                                                                                     

                II. § 103 REJECTION OVER TAMIYA in view of JENNERGREN                                            
                       Claims 16, 28, 29, 30, and 37 are the only independent claims subject                     
                to the Examiner’s obviousness rejection over Tamiya in view of Jennergren.                       
                       The Examiner contends that the claimed “absorption capability range                       
                is inherent to the fibers of Tamiya in view of Jennergren” (Answer 14) and                       
                maintains that the combined teachings of the applied references would have                       
                rendered obvious, within the meaning of § 103, the subject matter of claims                      
                16-38 based on inferences from asserted commonalities.                                           
                       Appellants contend that the Examiner has not reasonably shown that                        
                the applied references would have led one of ordinary skill in the art to a                      
                product with the absorptive capacity limitations as required in any of the                       


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