Ex Parte Travelute et al - Page 11

                Appeal 2006-2352                                                                                 
                Application 10/065,436                                                                           

                representative claim 2 reads on the hollow PET-containing polyester                              
                filaments of Shiozaki, which filaments include pores that render the                             
                filaments water absorbing (substantially water–filling).                                         

                                          CONCLUSION OF LAW                                                      
                       Appellants have not established that the application record requires a                    
                broadest reasonable construction of claim 2 excluding organic sulfonates                         
                from being used in manufacturing the filaments, such that claim 2 could not                      
                read on the alkali-treated PET-containing hollow filaments of Shiozaki.  Nor                     
                have Appellants otherwise identified reversible error in the Examiner’s                          
                anticipation rejection over Shiozaki.                                                            

                II. § 102/§ 103 REJECTION OVER HIRAKAWA                                                          
                       Claims 2 and 72 are the only independent claims subject to the                            
                Examiner’s rejections over Hirakawa (JP S57-139600).                                             
                       The Examiner contends that Hirakawa discloses empty core fibers that                      
                anticipate under § 102 or, in the alternative, would have rendered obvious,                      
                within the meaning of § 103, the subject matter of claims 2, 4-10, and 72-80                     
                based on inferences from asserted commonalities.                                                 
                       Appellants contend that the Examiner has not reasonably shown that                        
                Hirakawa meets or suggests the limitations of either of claims 2 and 72                          
                based on the empty core disclosure thereof.                                                      

                                     ISSUE AND SUMMARY RESOLUTION                                                
                       Have Appellants identified reversible error in the Examiner’s                             
                anticipation and/or obviousness rejections in their Brief?  More specifically,                   


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