Ex Parte Travelute et al - Page 4

                Appeal 2006-2352                                                                                 
                Application 10/065,436                                                                           

                § 102(b) as being anticipated by Shiozaki.  Claims 2, 4 through 10, and 72                       
                through 80 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by                       
                or, in the alternative, under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious over Hirakawa                        
                (JP 57139600A).  Claims 16 through 38 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.                             
                § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Tamiya in view of Jennergren.                                
                       We affirm the anticipation rejection over Shiozaki, reverse the other                     
                rejections, and remand the application to the Examiner for further                               
                I.  § 102 REJECTION OVER SHIOZAKI                                                                
                       Appellants argue the claims together.  We select claim 2 as the                           
                representative claim on which we shall decide the appeal as to this rejection.                   
                       The Examiner contends that Shiozaki describes, expressly or                               
                inherently, a hollow polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containing filament                        
                possessing sufficient capillary openings therein to provide good absorbency                      
                (substantially fill with a liquid such as water), and which filament falls                       
                within the scope of Appellants’ representative claim 2.                                          
                       Appellants contend that the transitional phrase “consisting essentially                   
                of” serves to exclude the presence of organic sulfonates of the type and                         
                amount used by Shiozaki in forming the claimed hollow polyester filament.                        

                                     ISSUE AND SUMMARY RESOLUTION                                                
                       Have Appellants identified reversible error in the Examiner’s                             
                anticipation rejection in their Brief?  More specifically, have Appellants                       
                established that the application record requires that the broadest reasonable                    
                construction of claim 2 excludes using organic sulfonates in forming a PET-                      


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