Ex Parte Travelute et al - Page 3

                Appeal 2006-2352                                                                                 
                Application 10/065,436                                                                           

                substantially fill with a liquid selected from the group consisting of water,                    
                water-based solutions, and water-based suspensions.                                              
                       37.  A hollow staple fiber consisting essentially of polyethylene                         
                       said staple fiber having sufficient openings therein for said staple fiber                
                to substantially fill with a liquid; and                                                         
                       said staple fiber and its hollow portion having respective circular cross                 
                sections and wherein said hollow portion is not coaxial with said staple fiber.                  
                       72.  A staple filament having a coaxial opening entirely therethrough,                    
                the filament having a length defined by the minimum length sufficient to                         
                support a meniscus of water in the coaxial opening and a maximum length at                       
                which the filament will fill entirely with a liquid selected from the group                      
                consisting of water and water-based solutions and suspensions.                                   

                       The Examiner relies on the following prior art references as evidence                     
                in rejecting the appealed claims:                                                                
                Shiozaki    US 4,336,307  Jun. 22, 1982                                                          
                Hirakawa1    JP S57-139600  Aug. 28, 1982                                                        
                Tamiya2    JP H3-287848  Dec. 18, 1991                                                           
                Jennergren    US 6,368,990  Apr. 09, 2002                                                        
                       Claims 2, 4, 5, and 11 through 15 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.                          

                1  Our references to Hirakawa in this decision are to the English language                       
                translation filed September 28, 2004.  The Examiner refers to this translation                   
                at page 2 of the Final Office Action.                                                            
                2  Our references to Tamiya are to the English language translation filed                        
                September 28, 2004.  The Examiner refers to this translation at page 2 of the                    
                Final Office Action.                                                                             

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