Ex Parte Travelute et al - Page 6

                Appeal 2006-2352                                                                                 
                Application 10/065,436                                                                           

                       The Specification discloses that “the provision of openings along the                     
                filament or fiber allows air to escape and thus prevents air pressure from                       
                limiting the capillary draw into the filament or fiber.  In turn, this allows the                
                filament or fiber to substantially fill with water, thus greatly increasing the                  
                absorbent capacity of the filament. . . .”  (Specification 6, ¶ [0031]).                         
                       The Specification discloses that the hollow filament can be contacted                     
                with various chemical compositions or mechanically cracked to form the                           
                openings therein (Specification 12-14).                                                          
                       The Specification does not address any basic and novel characteristics                    
                of the claimed subject matter that would be detrimentally affected by the                        
                inclusion of any sulfonates in the formation of the filament.  See the                           
                Specification in its entirety.                                                                   
                       The Examiner has found that Shiozaki discloses hollow polyester                           
                filaments, which filaments have fine pores and an affinity for absorbing                         
                water corresponding to that claimed (Answer 3).  Shiozaki discloses that 90                      
                molar percent of the ester repeating units of the polyester are of a formula I.                  
                See, e.g.; Shiozaki at col. 1, l. 56 through col. 2, l. 51.  Moreover, the                       
                Examiner has correctly found that polyethylene terephthalate is a preferred                      
                polyester filament described by Shiozaki (Answer, 4).  See, e.g., Shiozaki;                      
                (col. 3, ll. 36-38).                                                                             
                       Shiozaki discloses: (1) providing a pore-forming agent comprising an                      
                organic sulfonate compound of a specified formula (III); (2) blending the                        
                organic sulfonate with the polyester via melt-spinning; and (3) alkali treating                  
                the blend to remove at least a portion of the organic sulfonate compound                         
                from the polyester filaments thereby forming a number of fine pores in the                       


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