Ex Parte Travelute et al - Page 5

                Appeal 2006-2352                                                                                 
                Application 10/065,436                                                                           

                containing filament such that claim 2 could not read on the alkali treated                       
                PET- containing hollow filaments of Shiozaki?                                                    
                       We answer these questions in the negative.  Consequently, we affirm                       
                the Examiner’s anticipation rejection of claims 2, 4, 5, and 11 through 15                       
                over Shiozaki.                                                                                   

                                            FINDINGS OF FACT                                                     
                       The record supports the following findings of fact by a preponderance                     
                of the evidence.                                                                                 
                       Appellants’ Specification describes the subject invention as being                        
                directed to liquid absorbent materials, particularly highly absorbent fibers.                    
                Appellants’ Claim 2, as reproduced above, employs “consisting essentially                        
                of” terminology in denominating the claimed hollow polyester filament.                           
                       Appellants’ Specification provides preferred embodiments wherein                          
                “the filament consists essentially of polyethylene terephthalate (‘PET’)”                        
                (Specification 4), but does not furnish an express definition for the term                       
                “consisting essentially of.”  (See the Specification in its entirety).                           
                       The Specification provides that polyester is a preferred filament                         
                forming material and notes that “polyester” is “a manufactured fiber in                          
                which the fiber forming substance is any long chain synthetic palmer [sic;                       
                polymer] composed of at least 85% by weight of an ester of a substituted                         
                aromatic carboxylic acid, including but not restricted to substituted                            
                terephthalate units and parasubstituted hydroxyl benzoate units”                                 
                (Specification 4).  The Specification further explains that the above-quoted                     
                definition is consistent with a U.S. Federal Trade Commission standard, 16                       
                C.F.R. § 303.7, and is generally adhered to by the industry.  Id.                                


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