Ex Parte Ackerman et al - Page 22


             complie, from Medieval Latin (hdral complilo. "completed     com.post (kbmPp6st) n. 1. A mixturc of dccaying organic mal-                                                              
             (hour)." from Latin complirw, past participle of complire.    tcr, such as leaves and manure, used as fenilizcr. 2. A com-                                                             
             COMPLESE.~                                                    position; mixture. -1r.v. wmposted, -posting. -posts. 1. To                                                              
            com.ply (kam-pli') in1r.v. -plied. -plying. -plies. 1. To act in ac-fertilize with compost. 2. To changc (vegetable matter) to                                                               
             cordance with a command, request. rule, wish, or the I~ke. Usedcompost. [Middle English, stew, compotc, from Old French                                                                 
             with wirh. 2. Obsolcre. To-bc courteous or obedient. [Italian composre, stewed fruit, and comporr, mixturc. respectively from                                                          
             cornplire, from Spanish cumplir, to complete. do what is proper.Latin cornposila and composirum, feminine and neuter of corn-                                                            
             be courteous, from Latin complire, to fill up : corn- (intensive)posirw, put together. COMPOSITE.]                                                                                        
             + plire, to fill (scc pel-' in Appendix*).]                  corn-posure (tam-p6'zhar) n. Self-possession; calmness: tran-                                                             
            com.po (kbmtp6) n.. pl. -pos. Any of various combined sub-     quillity. See Synonyms at equenimity. [From COMPOSE.]                                                                    
             stances, such as momr or plaster, formed by miring ingredl-  corn.pota.tion (kbm'p6-G'shan) n. A drinking together; a ca-                                                              
             ents. [Short for COMPOSI~ON.]                                 rouse. [Latin compdrdrid (translation of Greek rumposion.                                                                
            com.ponent (kam-p6'nant) n. 1. A simple part, or a relatively  SYMPOSIUM)  : corn-, together + pdrdri6. POTATION.]-corn'po.                                                               
             complcx entity regarded as a pan, of a system; element: con-  ta'tor (-ti'tar) n.                                                                                                      
             dtuent. 2. A pan of a mcchanical or electrical complex.      compote (kbmfp6t; French kb~-pbt') n. 1. Fruit stewed or                                                                  
             3. M~rhcrnarics. One of a set of two or more vcctors having a cooked In syrup. 2. A long-stemmed dlsh. used for holding                                                                
             sum equal to a given vector. 4. Chcmir~ry. Any of thc minimum fruit, nuts. or candy. [French. from Old French composre. x          component                                           
             number of substances required to completely spccify thc com-  stewed fruit, COMPOST.]                                                                                                  
             position of all phascs of a chemical system. -adj.Being or corn-pound' (kbm-poundf, kam-) v. -pounded. -pounding.              "Componenwof a vectorcoordinatcaxcs                                   
             functioning as a component; constituent. [Latin compdncns.    -pounds. -Ir. 1. To combine; mix. 2. To produce or create by                                                             

                                                                                                                                               composing stick                                      

                                                                                                                                                com~ound   eve                                      
                                                                                                                                              Compound eycs of a                                    
                                                                                                                                                  ~IU C ~ Orly~~ IC                                   

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