William H. Adair and Patricia Adair - Page 9

            creditable against any benefits payable under subchapter I of                               
            chapter 81 of Title 5.  5 U.S.C. sec. 3582(a)(3).                                           
                  At the time of transfer, a transferee may elect to retain                             
            all accumulations and accruals of annual leave to his credit                                
            which would otherwise be liquidated by a lump-sum payment.  A                               
            transferee may also request payment of all retained leave at any                            
            time prior to reemployment; however, if a transferee elects a                               
            lump-sum payment and is reemployed within 6 months of a transfer,                           
            such transferee must refund the lump-sum payment to the agency.                             
            5 U.S.C. sec. 3582(a)(4).                                                                   
                  A transferee has an absolute right to reemployment with the                           
            agency from which he was transferred, at his former position or a                           
            position of like seniority, status, and pay, within 30 days of                              
            application if he meets two conditions.  The transferee must                                
            separate from the international organization within his term of                             
            employment with the international organization, that is, within                             
            the agreed-upon time and any extensions thereof, and the                                    
            transferee must make such application to his former agency no                               
            later than 90 days after separation.  If application is made 30                             
            days or more prior to separation, such applicant is entitled to                             
            reemployment upon separation.  5 U.S.C. sec. 3582(b); 5 C.F.R.                              
            sec. 352.311-312.                                                                           
                  Upon reemployment, a transferee is entitled to the same rate                          
            of pay to which he would have been entitled had he continuously                             
            remained in Federal Civil Service.  5 U.S.C. sec. 3582(b).  Also,                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011