William H. Adair and Patricia Adair - Page 12

            the U.S. Secretary of Defense of petitioner's proposed                                      
            appointment.  The notification requested the Defense Secretary                              
            to:  (1) Confirm petitioner's acceptance of the offer; (2)                                  
            provide an estimated reporting date; (3) certify petitioner's                               
            security clearance status and the date of his last background                               
            investigation; and (4) confirm whether petitioner's appointment                             
            would be on a reimbursable basis.                                                           
            5. NATO's International Staff Position                                                      
                  As a result of his interview, petitioner was offered the                              
            NATO position.  He accepted the offer.  Upon acceptance, a Form                             
            50-B, Notification of Personnel Action, was prepared by the DOA,                            
            reflecting petitioner's transfer from his position with the DOD                             
            to his new position with NATO for a 3-year term, effective June                             
            22, 1986.  While the United States initially paid the expenses of                           
            moving petitioner and his family to Belgium, NATO reimbursed the                            
            United States for these costs.                                                              
                  At the time NATO extended the offer, it was explained to                              
            petitioner that because he was a U.S. Government employee, he had                           
            the option of being recruited on a "reimbursable" or a "direct                              
            hire" basis.  Petitioner was notified that if he elected to be                              
            recruited on a direct hire basis, he would lose his Civil Service                           
            retirement and other benefits, as well as any right to be                                   
            reemployed by the United States following his term with NATO.                               
            Petitioner would receive his salary, emoluments, and other                                  
            employment benefits directly from NATO, at the NATO salary scale                            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011