Boyd Gaming Corporation, F.K.A. The Boyd Group and Subsidiaries - Page 46

                                       - 46 -                                         
               Respondent determined (and reflected in the notices of                 
          deficiency) that petitioners could not deduct the following                 
          amounts on account of section 274(n):                                       
                                     1987      1988                                   
                    CHC                  $23,797    $102,027                          
                    Fremont               28,760      77,709                          
                    Sam's Town            59,651     171,446                          
                    Stardust              97,150     406,002                          
                    Total             209,358     757,184                             
          In its petition, CHC alleges that it did not deduct 20 percent of           
          the cost of the meals for its 1987 taxable year, and that it is             
          entitled to do so.                                                          
               We must decide whether the meals are a de minimis fringe               
          benefit for purposes of section 274(n)(2)(B).4  The meals are a             

               4 Sec. 274(n), which was added to the Code by sec. 142(b) of           
          the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA), Pub. L. 99-514, 100 Stat. 2085,           
          2118, provides in relevant part:                                            
                    (1) In general.--The amount allowable as a                        
               deduction under this chapter for--                                     
                         (A) any expense for food or beverages, and                   
               *    *         *    *         *       *     *                          
               shall not exceed 80 percent [sec. 13,209(a) of the                     
               Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, Pub. L.                     
               103-66, 107 Stat. 312, 424-425, changed this amount to                 
               50 percent for taxable years beginning after Dec. 31,                  
               1993] of the amount of such expense or item which would                
               (but for this paragraph) be allowable as a deduction                   
               under this chapter.                                                    
                    (2) Exceptions.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to                 

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