Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 30

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               We agree with respondent that the general ledger project               
          activities do not constitute qualified research.  The only activity         
          that could have involved technical risk was the shadow files                
          system.  However, we accept Mr. Teixeira's assertion that the               
          development of a shadow files system was common at large U.S. banks         
          and required only the following of known methodologies and                  
          approaches--routine software development that does not expand or            
          refine the principles of computer science and does not involve the          
          engagement of technical risk.                                               
               E.  Money Transfer                                                     
               Dr. McDermott opined that the money transfer system project            
          involved qualified research due to the financial and security risks         
          involved in complying with the regulatory changes imposed by the            
          Federal Reserve and the expected growth in the industry.  He wrote          
          of NTS' efforts of extensive testing to assure the elimination of           
          software bugs.  Finally, he noted that NTS rewrote as much as 50            
          percent of the source code to the system to provide the                     
          functionality needed by Norwest.                                            
               Dr. Davis admitted lack of knowledge of wire transfer systems;         
          he deferred to Mr. Teixeira for elaboration.  He commented that the         
          development of systems through the use of COBOL language and the            
          Tandem computer (which were apparently used in the money transfer           
          system) do not constitute the discovery of information that is              
          technological in nature or which could involve a process of                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011