Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 20

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          SBS system without paying any royalties.  This is sufficient to             
          satisfy the requirements of section 1.41-2(e)(2)(ii), Income Tax            
               Respondent contends that Norwest's payments to EDS after May           
          25, 1987, were contingent on the success of the SBS system.  Under          
          the Participant Agreement between Norwest and Bank One, Norwest was         
          required to pay $7 million to Bank One for its participation in the         
          SBS project.  The payments were made in installments, beginning             
          with an initial payment of $694,440 upon execution of the                   
          agreement, followed by monthly payments of $138,890 until February          
          25, 1988, and followed by monthly payments of $250,000 until July           
          25, 1989.  (The last two payments were deferred pursuant to an              
          amended agreement between the parties because of delays by EDS in           
          releasing SBS.)  However, under the terms of the agreement, Norwest         
          could stop making payments and terminate the agreement at selected          
          times during the interim periods in which development milestones of         
          the SBS project were being completed.  The first development                
          milestone was completed on May 25, 1987.                                    
               Petitioner argues that although Norwest was not obligated to           
          make payments to Bank One (and EDS) after each interim development          
          milestone period, there was never an agreement that any amounts             
          that it chose to pay were recoverable if the research was not               
          successful.  We agree with petitioner.                                      
               As to respondent's argument that the payments made to EDS were         
          contingent on the success of the research, we note that the                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011