Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 12

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          The Tower Group expected that the customer-centric module of SBS            
          would become the "core foundation around which a bank can integrate         
          all of its customer information".                                           
               The development of the deposit and credit modules, however,            
          does not constitute qualified research.  The record is void of any          
          testimony or evidence (other than reports dated after 1991, after           
          the timeframe in issue) from which we can evaluate the nature of            
          the work performed on the deposit and credit modules.  We note              
          however Mr. Teixeira's indication that the deposit and credit               
          modules provided "no significant functional innovations to the              
               The SBS customer module project involved the discovery of              
          information which was technological in nature and expanded                  
          principles of computer science--namely, the ability to create a             
          customer-based system that could integrate with other banking               
          systems and handle large volumes of data.  In this regard, we note          
          that qualified research for purposes of section 41 is not limited           
          to the development of new technology but also encompasses the use           
          of existing technology in new and dynamic ways.                             
               There is no doubt that SBS provided a new or improved business         
          component of Norwest in terms of customer service and growth                
          opportunities.  The Tower Group described the GMAC customer module          
          system as providing "quicker, more efficient underwriting, and a            
          faster, accurate understanding of changes in automobile purchase            
          behavior".  The sheer volume capacity of SBS, as compared with the          

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Last modified: May 25, 2011