Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 123

                                       - 97 -                                         

          projects, he found the technical risk very low; however, he did not         
          determine any specific percentage in his analysis.  Mr. Teixeira            
          conceded that all of the activities at issue provided a new or              
          improved business function to Norwest, although not to the banking          
          7.  Analysis of the Eight Sample Activities                                 
               The parties' experts aided the Court in understanding research         
          in the context of the computer science field and the banking                
          industry.  We did not find any one of the experts more helpful than         
          another.  Mr. Teixeira assisted the Court by explaining the                 
          existing state of technology in the computer science field as               
          related to the banking industry.  Drs. McDermott and Davis offered          
          particular insight into software development issues, although they          
          were often abstract or vague.  Unfortunately, with respect to all           
          of the experts, much of their reports and testimony was of limited          
          use because they applied definitions and standards that are                 
          inconsistent with our interpretation of the seven tests that must           
          be satisfied to obtain the R&E credit.61  See Alumax, Inc. v.               

               61   There were several problems with the definitions                  
          provided by each of the experts.  For example, Dr. McDermott                
          appears to apply a 20-percent test to the definition of                     
          substantial uncertainty--which we have rejected for the reasons             
          expressed.  Additionally, his example of a hypothesis, as in the            
          case of the SBS project, is overly simple and not workable: "This           
          collection of algorithms, run on such-and-such a hardware                   
          configuration, can perform such-and-such an account-management              
          task with no errors, in such-and-such a period of time."  This              
          hypothesis cannot be used to develop true alternatives which can            
          be examined and considered by the taxpayer.                                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011