Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 17

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          no commercially available products were available at the time               
          Norwest entered into the SBS project with EDS and Bank One.                 
               In sum, the SBS customer module project satisfies all seven            
          tests for qualified research.  The project, at the time,                    
          represented a concerted effort at advancing the state of technology         
          in the field of computer science, pushing existing technology to            
          new heights.  Its ultimate failure, at least at Norwest, does not           
          diminish its contribution to the field but only demonstrates the            
          rapid pace of technological advancement in the industry.                    
               Respondent contends that even assuming arguendo that the SBS           
          customer module project satisfied the definition of qualified               
          research in section 41(d), the work performed by EDS did not                
          satisfy the requirements of contract research on behalf of Norwest,         
          and thus Norwest is not entitled to the R&E credit.  Specifically,          
          respondent claims that Norwest did not retain a right to the                
          research results, and further, that the payments made to EDS were           
          contingent on the success of the research.  We disagree.                    
               Section 41(b)(3) allows the R&E credit for 65 percent of any           
          expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer to any person (other than         
          an employee of the taxpayer) for qualified research.  Section 1.41-         
          2(e)(2), Income Tax Regs., requires that the contractor of the              
          qualified research perform such research "on behalf of the                  
          taxpayer" and that the payments not be contingent on the success of         
          the research.  Section 1.41-2(e)(3), Income Tax Regs., further              
          states:  "Qualified research is performed on behalf of the taxpayer         

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Last modified: May 25, 2011