Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 26

                                       - 114 -                                        

          the exact benefits to be derived are in doubt.  Cookbook approaches         
          to software development preclude any finding of a discovery of              
          information that is technological in nature, or a process of                
          experimentation.  Cookbook approaches to software development do            
          not result in new knowledge about the principles of computer                
          science or technical uncertainty that requires the consideration of         
          alternative hypotheses.  In our opinion, Congress did not intend            
          cookbook approaches to software development to come within the              
          bounds of section 41 when it excluded from the R&E credit the               
          duplication of existing business components, or routine data                
          collection or testing.  See sec. 41(d)(4)(B), (D)(iv) and (v); H.           
          Rept. 99-426, at 182 (1985), 1986-3 C.B. (Vol. 2) 1, 182; cf.               

                         Anybody engaged in, well, almost any                         
                    profession -- but let me make it in the                           
                    engineering profession for the moment --                          
                    accumulates a body of skilled practice over                       
                    time.  These are things that you know how to                      
                    do because you're in the business.                                
                         Some of those things are difficult to                        
                    do.  Some of them require a substantial                           
                    amount of skilled practice to do them.  So to                     
                    say something is not research, or even to                         
                    call it routine software construction is no                       
                    way to denigrate it or to say it doesn't take                     
                    a substantial body of skill to do.                                
                         What it says is that, in the community                       
                    of people who do this kind of thing, the                          
                    knowledge of how to do it is out there, as                        
                    opposed to it has to be discovered or                             
                    revealed in some fashion.  Okay?  It's what                       
                    you would expect a competent professional in                      
                    the field to know and be to [sic] able to do.                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011