Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 23

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          information.  Thus, the installation process, including the                 
          interfacing of SBS with Norwest's existing deposit and credit               
          modules and other systems, and the subsequent testing, was critical         
          to the success of SBS.  This was all part of the research process.          
          It was far from routine.  Mr. Teixeira, in a book published in              
          1990, indicated  that  installation  and  conversion  of  large             
          integrated software systems like SBS "can be risky".                        
               We agree with respondent, however, that customization                  
          activities relating to SBS by Norwest after delivery by EDS that            
          were unrelated to the installation and interfacing activities are           
          not qualified research as those activities relate only to style,            
          taste, cosmetic, or seasonal design factors.  See sec. 41(d)(3)(B).         
          We also agree with respondent that any activities performed by              
          Norwest after the first SBS release was installed at each bank is           
          not qualified research.  Section 41(d)(4)(A) excludes from                  
          qualified research any research conducted after the beginning of            
          commercial production of the business component.  Although Congress         
          anticipated that some postproduction activities, including internal         
          use software activities after the installation of commercially              
          available software, could be treated as qualified research, H.              
          Conf. Rept. 99-841 (Vol. II), at II-73, II-74 n.4 (1986), 1986-3            
          C.B. (Vol. 4) 1, 73, 74 n.4, Norwest has not shown that the                 
          subsequent releases of SBS by EDS involved qualified research by            
          EDS or Norwest, Rule 142(a).                                                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011