Alan Robert Zinsmeister - Page 2

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          the extent set forth below.  Unless otherwise indicated, all                
          section references are to the Internal Revenue Code in effect for           
          the taxable years in issue, and all Rule references are to the              
          Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure.                                  
                                  FINDINGS OF FACT                                    
               Some of the facts have been stipulated and are so found.               
          The stipulated facts and the accompanying exhibits are                      
          incorporated herein by this reference.  At the time                         
          the petition in this case was filed, petitioner resided in                  
          Rochester, Minnesota.                                                       
               Petitioner and Betty J. Zinsmeister (Betty) were married in            
          1974.  In 1986, they took out a mortgage (the first mortgage) on            
          their jointly owned residence in the principal amount of $77,900.           
          Petitioner and Betty were jointly liable on the first mortgage              
               Betty initiated divorce proceedings against petitioner in              
          August 1991 and, in October, moved out of the residence.  Two of            
          their three children moved with her, and the third remained with            
               On October 17, 1991, the District Court for the Third                  
          Judicial District of Minnesota - Family Division (the State                 
          court) issued a temporary order.  Therein, under the heading                
          "Support of the Minor Children", the State court set petitioner’s           
          monthly child support obligation at $950.  In addition,                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011