Nebraska v. Wyoming, 534 U.S. 40, 7 (2001)

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Appendix to Decree

during any one irrigation season, exclusive of the Kendrick Project. The acres in this area to be counted under this injunction shall include the following, provided that an intentionally irrigated acre that receives water from more than one source shall be counted only once:

(1) Acres irrigated by surface water diversions of natural flow;

(2) Acres irrigated by water stored pursuant to paragraph II(e);

(3) Acres irrigated by water stored in reservoirs that store water from the tributaries between Pathfinder Dam and Guernsey Reservoir;

(4) Acres irrigated with water from hydrologically connected groundwater wells;

(5) The equivalent of the acres found by order of the Wyoming State Board of Control to have been historically irrigated and that formed the basis for the transfer of water rights where water rights on the North Platte River upstream of Guernsey Reservoir or the tributaries upstream of Pathfinder Dam are transferred after October 8, 1945, from an irrigation use to another use; provided, however, that the amount of acres counted for a given year may be reduced proportionately to the extent that the actual diversion and use of water under the transferred water right during that year are less than the total diversion and use allowed by the order approving such transfer;

(6) The equivalent of the acres found by order of the Wyoming State Board of Control to have been historically irrigated and that formed the basis for the transfer of water rights where water rights on the tributaries entering the North Platte River between Pathfinder Dam and Guernsey Reservoir are transferred after January 1, 2001, from an irrigation use to another use; provided, however, that the amount of acres counted for a given year may be reduced proportionately to the extent that the actual diversion and use of water under the transferred water right during that

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Last modified: October 4, 2007