Ex Parte NAKAMURA et al - Page 12

          Appeal No. 2000-0660                                                        
          Application No. 08/985,278                                                  

          rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over                   
          Hayabuchi and Hayashi.  For the same reasons above with regards             
          to claim 5, we fail to find that the Examiner has shown that                
          Hayabuchi teaches or suggests the above claim 9 limitations.                
          Because claims 10 and 11 depend from claim 9, and therefore                 
          include all the limitations of claim 9, we will not sustain the             
          Examiner's rejection of claims 9 through 11 under 35 U.S.C.                 
          § 103.                                                                      
               Now we turn to the rejection of claim 3 under 35 U.S.C.                
          § 103 as being unpatentable over Hayashi and Young.  We agree               
          with the Examiner's contention that Hayashi teaches the                     
          limitations found in claims 1 and 2 but fails to teach that the             
          thickness of the tunnel film being 3.4 nm or more.  See page 5,             
          lines 1-4 of the answer.  However, the Examiner asserts that                
          "Young discloses a nonvolatile semiconductor memory device                  
          comprising a tunnel film (23) having a thickness of 5 nm.  See              
          Fig. 2."  See page 5, lines 5 and 6 of the answer.  The Examiner            
          further states that "[i]t would have been obvious to one of                 
          ordinary skill in the art to form the tunnel film with a                    
          thickness of 3.4 nm as taught by Young . . . depending on the               
          size of the transistor which is depending on each application"              
          and "[t]he thickness differences are considered obvious design              

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