Ex Parte NAKAMURA et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2000-0660                                                        
          Application No. 08/985,278                                                  

          and 11 stand or fall together.  37 CFR § 1.192 (c)(7) (July 1,              
          1999) as amended at 62 Fed. Reg. 53196 (October 10, 1997), which            
          was controlling at the time of Appellants' filing the brief,                
               For each ground of rejection which appellant contests                  
               and which applies to a group of two or more claims, the                
               Board shall select a single claim from the group and                   
               shall decide the appeal as to the ground of rejection                  
               on the basis of that claim alone unless a statement is                 
               included that the claims of the group do not stand or                  
               fall together and, in the argument under paragraph                     
               (c)(8) of this section, appellant explains why the                     
               claims of the group are believed to be separately                      
               patentable.  Merely pointing out differences in what                   
               the claims cover is not an argument as to why the                      
               claims are separately patentable.                                      
          We further note that in the reply brief, Appellants have argued             
          claims 1 and 2 as a single group.  See the entire page 11 of the            
          reply brief.  We will, thereby, consider Appellants' claims 1 and           
          2 as standing or falling together as a group and we will treat              
          claim 1 as a representative claim of that group.                            
               Appellants state that "[c]laim 1 recites a 'non-volatile               
          one-transistor memory cell.'"  See page 11, lines 2 and 3 of the            
          reply brief.  Appellants then argue that the Hayashi transistor             
          would need a second transistor to prevent leakage current.  See             
          page 11, lines 7-10 of the reply brief.  However, Appellants do             


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