Ex Parte ZURAWSKI et al - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2001-0651                                                        
          Application 08/134,187                                                      

          three groupings of the claims.  In accordance with the dictates             
          of 37 CFR § 1.192(c)(7), we have selected claim 1 from the first            
          grouping, claim 61 from the second grouping, and claim 26 from              
          the third grouping, and we shall decide the issues before us on             
          appeal on the basis of those claims alone.  The remaining claims            
          of each of the three groupings will stand or fall with the claim            
          selected from the respective grouping.                                      

          Turning first to the examiner's rejection under 35 U.S.C.                   
          § 103(a) based on Copley in view of Bradshaw, we note that Copley           
          discloses a form of “token” that falls within appellants’ broad             
          definition of this term set forth on page 5 of the specification.           
          More specifically, Copley deals with a new and improved mode of             
          ornamenting medals, buttons, and other similar articles of                  
          manufacture (e.g., collectible or commemorative medallions, or              
          buttons, etc.).  On page 3 of the examiner’s answer, it is                  
          explained that Copley discloses a method of making a token that             
          is similar to that set forth in appellants’ claim 1 on appeal,              
          with the exception that Copley does not teach the step of                   
          applying a protective coating over the inserted disk by filling             


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