Ex Parte ZURAWSKI et al - Page 12

          Appeal No. 2001-0651                                                        
          Application 08/134,187                                                      

          one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of appellants’                 
          invention to provide the method of making the medal seen in                 
          Figures 1 through 3 of Copley with an added step of filling each            
          cavity (aa) with a liquid protective coating material and then              
          hardening that material to define a protective coating over the             
          imprinted disk which would prevent scratching of the imprinted              
          disk as taught or suggested in Bradshaw.                                    

          Contrary to appellants’ assertions, we do not consider that                 
          the examiner has relied upon impermissible hindsight in choosing            
          to include the protective coating taught in Bradshaw in the                 
          medallion of Copley to afford the pictures in the recesses or               
          cavities (aa) therein a level of protection not provided by                 
          Copley.  Instead, we consider that the examiner was merely                  
          following the teachings of Bradshaw which would have been readily           
          apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of                 
          appellants’ invention regarding protection of a sheet bearing               
          pictures, ornamentation or a design as part of an article such as           
          a wall ornament or plaque, wherein the sheet bearing pictures,              
          ornamentation or a design is placed in a recess or cavity in an             
          article of manufacture and then covered with a protective plastic           
          coating that sealingly overlies the sheet and thus protects it              

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