Ex Parte ZURAWSKI et al - Page 17

          Appeal No. 2001-0651                                                        
          Application 08/134,187                                                      

               b) inserting an imprinted disk in the cavity of the token;             
               c) filling a portionof the cavity with a first protective              
          coating and the remainder of the cavity with a second protective            
          coating to prevent scratching of the imprinted disk.                        

          Claim 15 differs from claim 1 on appeal in that the last                    
          step of the claim requires “filling a portion of the cavity with            
          a first protective coating and the remainder of the cavity with a           
          second protective coating to prevent scratching of the imprinted            
          disk.”  As noted in the specification (page 21), the first                  
          protective coating (140) and the second protective coating (142)            
          are distinct layers of different coating material.  Each of the             
          other allowed claims 45, 78 and 114 includes a step like that set           
          forth in claim 15.                                                          

          Claims 26, 56, 92 and 128 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.                    
          § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Copley in view of Bradshaw              
          and Fabbiani, with Copley and Bradshaw being combined by the                
          examiner as in the rejection of claim 1 discussed supra.                    
          Fabbiani is relied upon by the examiner as teaching a security              
          document including layers (2) and (5) which are respectively a              
          support and a hologram.  The examiner points to Figure 3 of                 


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