Ex Parte ZURAWSKI et al - Page 20

          Appeal No. 2001-0651                                                        
          Application 08/134,187                                                      

          reasonable appears to be either identical with or only slightly             
          different than a product claimed in a product-by-process claim, a           
          rejection based alternatively on either section 102 or section              
          103 of the statute is eminently fair and acceptable.  Id, at 688.           
          The rationale for this conclusion is that the Patent and                    
          Trademark Office is not equipped to manufacture products by the             
          myriad of processes put before it and then obtain prior art                 
          products and make physical comparisons therewith.  Thus, this               
          burden is shifted to appellants in those instances where prior              
          art is applied by the examiner against product-by-process claims            
          and appellants must specifically point out or demonstrate how the           
          process limitations structurally distinguish the claimed product            
          from the product of the prior art, which may be made by a                   
          different process.                                                          

          As is apparent from the above-noted case law, appellants are                
          normally only put to the burden of specifying the exact                     
          structural limitations imposed on the claimed product by the                
          process limitations when the examiner has applied prior art which           
          teaches, discloses or makes obvious a product which reasonably              
          appears to be either identical with or only slightly different              
          than a product claimed in a product-by-process claim.  This the             

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