Ex Parte ZURAWSKI et al - Page 19

          Appeal No. 2001-0651                                                        
          Application 08/134,187                                                      

          Thus, each of the tokens defined in claims 26, 56, 92 and 128               
          includes a cavity with an imprinted disk therein and two distinct           
          layers of protective coating in the cavity over the imprinted               

          It is by now well settled that product claims may be drafted                
          to include process steps to wholly or partially define the                  
          claimed product, and that to the extent that the process                    
          limitations distinguish the claimed product from the prior art,             
          they must be given the same consideration as traditional product            
          characteristics or limitations.  See In re Hallman, 655 F.2d 212,           
          215, 210 USPQ 609, 611 (CCPA 1981).  This type of claim is                  
          referred to as a product-by-process claim and, as noted in In re            
          Brown, 459 F.2d 531, 535, 173 USPQ 685, 688 (CCPA 1972), does not           
          inherently conflict with the second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112.           
          However, due to the lack of physical description in a product-by-           
          process claim, this form of claim does impose a certain burden              
          with regard to determining the patentability thereof, since in              
          spite of the fact that the claims may recite only process                   
          limitations, it is the patentability of the product claimed and             
          not the recited process steps which must be established.                    
          Accordingly, when the prior art discloses a product which                   

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